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European Training Platform
Search tool for legal practitioners and justice professionals to find EU law training courses and training materials for self-training on any practice area of EU law.

About the Platform

The European Training Platform (ETP) is a search tool at the service of justice professionals, who want to train themselves in any practice area of EU law or related matters. 

On the ETP, justice professionals can find both training courses, as well as self-learning materials on a great variety of EU law practice areas and related topics.

Recognised training providers and partners inform potential trainees about their training activities and share high-quality self-learning materials on the ETP. The European Commission and EU agencies also contribute to the platform with ready-to-use self-learning materials or handbooks, also produced thanks to EU financial support.

Judicial training policy

If you want to learn more about the Judicial training policy and what the Commission is doing in this area, please visit Training of Justice Professionals and Training Practices - European Commission ( or European e-Justice Portal - Training of Justice Professionals (

What's new

The 2024 European Commission project 
‘CJEU Hearings’ Recording as a Judicial Training Tool’ has just been published!

This project is EC financed, aiming at creating the videos to assist and support practitioners in their work.

There are a million lawyers in the EU and 120 thousand judges and prosecutors. Some have never seen the inside of the Court of Justice. This is why the Commission and the Court jointly developed this concept to take you on a virtual journey. 

In the six videos, you travel from the cloakroom, where you hang your things before entering into a courtroom, to hearings in the Court of Justice; via explanations of how cases make their way to the Court:

  • You see how the Court runs day-to-day, with interviews from the ‘who’s who’ of the Court: Presidents, Vice-Presidents, Advocates General, Registras and former Judges.
  • You see how cases are discussed during the weekly meeting.
  • You see how important the job of interpreters is.

In sum, the use of recordings of CJEU hearings provides a great potential for initial and in-service training of justice professionals, both at national and European level. With these videos you have an expert guide, and we would like to see it used as much as possible.

Here, we are pleased to present the six training videos on the CJEU as an outcome of the project and we strongly encourage the use of the videos as training tools, as well as their dissemination as a self-learning tool for justice professionals. 


You are a justice professional?

You will find many training courses on EU law advertised on the European Training Platform as well as EU law-related self-learning materials, You can search according to different search fields and set different filters (such as the topic of the course, venue, date, language, training provider, keywords, and practice area: from civil law, public law, criminal law to fundamental rights, digitalisation, or legal and non-legal skills) to suit the topics you are interested in.

You are a training provider?

The platform is only open to recognised EU-level training providers, whose expertise has been recognised by the EU.  

If you are interested in advertising relevant training material on the ETP and are not recognised as a training provider yet, please contact


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An EU Login account is required for registration to the European Training Platform on the European Training Platform. Then, simply subscribe to the notification service.

After obtaining your EU Login account and logging in to the ETP, you can manage your subscriptions here.