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European Training Platform
Search tool for legal practitioners and justice professionals to find EU law training courses and training materials for self-training on any practice area of EU law.
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Participatory and Procedural Rights in Environmental Matters

The training module addresses judges and prosecutors dealing with environmental issues with previous general, and in certain cases specific, knowledge regarding the subject. The module will provide judges and prosecutors with relevant information on the latest developments of the EU environmental law acquis, relevant jurisprudence of the Court of Justice of the EU and an in-depth analysis of the topic with a special focus on Participatory and Procedural Rights in Environmental Matters.

Web-based training videos on working with legal interpreters in criminal proceedings

These five web-based training videos illustrate the communication processes and management strategies required for effective communication through an interpreter. The videos (of an interpreted police interview, a legal consultation and a court hearing) indicate good practices and potential pitfalls in working with interpreters, in a user-friendly format.

Le réseau judiciaire européen en matière civile et commerciale (RJECC)

Qu'est-ce que le réseau judiciaire européen en matière civile et commerciale (RJECC) ? Quelles sont ses missions ? Comment saisir le réseau en tant que magistrat, greffier, ou praticien du droit ? Explications avec un exemple concret de dossier transfrontière en matière civile et commerciale.

Training Materials on Access to Justice for Migrants - Module III: Access to Justice for Economic, Social and Cultural Rights

The third module provides participants with the international and EU legal frameworks on economic, social and cultural rights of migrants. It examines the scope of economic, social and cultural rights, their sources and how they are achieved. The module allows participants to learn about the obligations of states in regard to economic, social and cultural rights, as well as the justiciability of such rights.

Infosheets on the application of the EU procedural rights directives

Infosheets on the application in Cyprus, France, Greece, Hungary, Italy, Poland and Spain of the following EU procedural rights directives: Directive 2013/48/EU (right of access to a lawyer); directive (EU) 2016/343 (right to be presumed innocent); and directive (EU) 2016/1919 (right to legal aid).