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CJEU Hearings' Video #5: The reference for a preliminary ruling: a dialogue on european law with the European court of justice at the initiative of national judges

Date of creation
Name of project
CJEU Hearings’ recording as a Judicial Training Tool
EU or national law
EU law
Practice area
EU law
Type of self-learning material
E-learningSelf-learning materialTrainer’s material
Target group
Links to language versions


Upon completion of this training you will know:

  • mechanism to ensure uniform interpretation and application of EU law;
  • preliminary ruling procedure under the article 267 TFEU;
  • rights and obligations of the national judge under the preliminary ruling procedure;
  • process of making a reference for a preliminary ruling;
  • conduct of the CJEU proceedings in the preliminary ruling procedure;

Upon completion of this training you will develop:

  • understanding of the dialogue on European law between national judges and the European Court of Justice;
  • ability and comfort to make a reference for a preliminary ruling;